








See 中断 了解更多信息.















These FAQs help to explain our Proofpoint spam filtering system, and how 太阳城娱乐 processes emails that originate from outside the college. 它将回答有关可用于管理个人垃圾邮件帐户和隔离的工具的常见问题.


What is the Proofpoint spam management system and why do we use it?
The Proofpoint spam management system is an email filtering tool. 保护太阳城娱乐免受病毒攻击,并防止您收到数百封垃圾邮件, 所有传入的电子邮件是由校对过滤, 哪个是反垃圾邮件和反病毒产品. 

所有传入的电子邮件都由服务器过滤. 包含病毒、垃圾邮件或不适当内容的邮件可以被删除或“评分”.“就垃圾邮件而言, 消息得分表示消息是垃圾邮件的概率——因此,得分为100的消息有100%的机会是垃圾邮件(明确的垃圾邮件),得分为0的消息有0%的机会是垃圾邮件(合法的通信)。. Messages scoring high enough to probably be spam are quarantined, and messages scoring below 50 are sent directly to your inbox. 

Proofpoint URL防御

Yes! 就像我们之前的威胁保护系统一样, 新的Proofpoint垃圾邮件服务将帮助保护您免受通过电子邮件分发的特定威胁, 包括网络钓鱼和针对性攻击. Proofpoint的URL防御通过阻止访问恶意网站来保护您和太阳城娱乐的网络资源. 所有电子邮件信息中的链接都使用各种复杂的技术进行评估,以确定它们指向网络钓鱼或恶意软件网站的可能性.

If links can't be definitively classified as safe when the message is received, URL被重写,因此点击它会导致URL防御系统第二次评估链接的网站. 如果链接是安全的,您将看不到任何区别. If it is malicious, you will see a notification in your browser like the following





隔离区是临时存储疑似垃圾邮件的电子邮件的位置,以便在必要时对其进行查看和检索. System administrators have the ability to search for messages on a user's behalf. 您还可以通过使用“最终用户摘要”对自己隔离的电子邮件进行查看并采取措施. Messages that are not released from the Quarantine are automatically deleted after 14 days. 


As of May 30th, you can access your spam management account and Quarantine at 垃圾邮件.squirreltrapping.net. 使用您的太阳城娱乐用户名和密码登录. 



我该怎么做? view messages that have been caught by the email filter and are in the Quarantine?

登录 垃圾邮件.squirreltrapping.net 你的太阳城娱乐用户名和密码. Click Quarantine 在左边 to view your messages in the Quarantine. 此页显示发给您的被分类为垃圾邮件且位于隔离区中的邮件.

我在隔离区中看到一封非垃圾邮件. 我如何将它发布到我的收件箱?
If you see a message in your Quarantine that is not spam, there are a few things you can do. 首先,单击消息旁边的复选框. 然后,单击屏幕顶部的选项. From here, you can apply several actions to email that is not spam:

  • 释放:释放邮件到您的收件箱.

  • 不是垃圾邮件: 将邮件释放到您的收件箱, 在未来, 像这样的邮件不会被归类为垃圾邮件.

  • Safelist: adds the 发送方 of the selected message to your Safe Senders list.


您不需要删除隔离邮件. 14天后自动删除.


我没有收到我期待的邮件. How can I check to see if it might have been caught in my spam filter?

您将收到一封垃圾邮件最终用户摘要电子邮件,每天一次,列出所有已被垃圾邮件过滤器阻止的电子邮件. 此外,您可以随时登录 垃圾邮件.squirreltrapping.net 输入您的登录名和密码,然后单击“隔离”以检查已捕获的电子邮件. 



If email messages addressed to you were sent to the Quarantine, 您将收到一封电子邮件通知, 主题为“最终用户文摘”, 在你的邮箱里. 摘要为您提供存储在隔离区中发给您的邮件的列表. 您可以查看消息主题标头以确定其内容,并决定要对消息应用哪些操作.

您也可能收到一个空摘要, which is simply an email message indicating that you have no messages in the Quarantine.




摘要将为您提供自收到上次摘要更新以来为您的帐户隔离的所有垃圾邮件的列表. You will see a list of these messages and columns that indicate the subject, 发送方, 以及收到每封邮件的时间. 您将有三个单独的链接可供您完成对每封电子邮件的操作:

  • 释放: releases the message from the Quarantine to your normal email inbox.

  • Safelist:将邮件从隔离区释放到您的收件箱,并将发件人添加到您的个人安全发件人列表中. All future email from this 发送方 will not be checked for spam.

  • 报告:报告消息是假阳性(即, 它不应该被归类为垃圾邮件). 在这种情况下, 系统会对这些数据进行分析,以确保以后不会发现类似的邮件是垃圾邮件.

摘要中的其他链接提供了其他功能. These links are not related to individual quarantined messages. 以下链接提供了额外的Digest管理:

  • 请求新的终端用户摘要: 立即生成新的摘要,其中包含有关隔离邮件的最新信息. Note: this Digest will contain a list of all messages currently in the Quarantine, not just those received since the last scheduled Digest update.

  • 请求安全/阻止发件人列表: sends you a list of all entries currently on your personal Safe and Blocked Senders List. (这个安全的和被阻止的发送者列表不同于你在电子邮件客户端上设置的任何列表.) 

  • 管理我的账户: 允许您更改帐户首选项, as well as actively manage your Safe Senders and Blocked Senders lists using a web interface.

Why do I get a warning message when I click on links in the Digest? 
It is normal to see an "Invalid Certificate" warning when clicking on the links in the Digest. 您可以安全地接受证书警告并继续. 

默认情况下, 如果自上次摘要发送以来已将邮件放入隔离区,则您将在每天早上7:00左右(太平洋标准时间)收到一次最终用户摘要.

我不想再收到终端用户摘要了. 我该怎么做? 阻止他们?
If you don't want to receive a Digest, you can change your settings in your Proofpoint account

  1. 登录 垃圾邮件.squirreltrapping.net

  2. 点击左侧栏上的“Profile”

  3. 选择“设置”

  4. 在“我的设置”窗口, uncheck the box next to "Send digest with new message in my 最终用户文摘." If this box is unchecked, you will no longer receive a digest.



有两种类型的安全发送者列表:全球安全发送者列表和您的个人安全发送者列表. 两者都只是合法电子邮件发送者的列表. The email administrator controls the Global 安全寄件人名单, 这适用于组织中的每个人. You control your personal 安全寄件人名单 to which you can add the addresses of people, 组织, 以及想要接收邮件的邮件列表.

如果发件人的地址包含在安全发件人列表中, 反垃圾邮件系统不过滤垃圾邮件. (However, it still filters the message for a virus or inappropriate content.)

There is also a Global Blocked Senders List and a personal Blocked Senders List. 这些名单上有人们的地址, 组织, and mailing lists from which you do not want to receive "junk email." 


I set up lists of safe and blocked 发送方s using my email client (Outlook, Apple Mail, etc.)这些名单会受到影响吗? 
No. 垃圾邮件管理系统的更改不会影响您直接在电子邮件客户端中设置的任何安全或阻止发件人列表. 它们将保持完整. 


我该怎么做? manually add Safe Senders and Blocked 发送方s to the new spam management system? 
登录 垃圾邮件.squirreltrapping.net 附上你的太阳城娱乐用户名和密码. Click Lists 在左边 to view your Safe Senders and Blocked Senders lists. 



  1. Click 安全寄件人名单 在左边.

  2. Click New 在这一页的顶部. 

  3. 输入电子邮件地址(e.g.约翰,.[在]xyz.com) into the field to permit all messages from this 发送方 to be delivered. 可选地,输入一个电子邮件域(e.g., xyz.Com)输入字段以允许来自xyz的所有消息.Com待交付. 注意:不建议允许来自整个域的所有电子邮件,因为这可能会增加垃圾邮件或恶意电子邮件的风险.

  4. Click Save.

Follow the same procedure to add entries to your Blocked Senders list.

Email sent from addresses or domains on the 安全寄件人名单 will not be filtered for spam, 但会被过滤病毒.



管理我的帐户链接提供了一个单独的web界面,允许您管理您的安全发件人和阻止发件人列表, 更改您的摘要的首选语言接口, 并调整Digest的偏好. 

To access these features, click the Manage My Account link in the Digest. 一个单独的浏览器窗口弹出在您的屏幕上,您的个性化帐户管理页面将加载在这个窗口. 您不需要对您的帐户管理页面进行身份验证,因为在您的个性化摘要中生成了安全代码,确保只有您有权更改您的设置. 

You have the following options to choose from in your account management page. 在左侧导航窗格中单击该选项的名称:

  • Profile - controls Digest settings and language preferences.

  • Lists - provides tools to manage personal Safe Senders and Blocked Senders lists.


The Profile option displays a My Settings view and the Save, Request Digest, and Refresh links.


  • 保存:每次您进行任何更改时保存您的设置.

  • 请求摘要:向您发送更新后的摘要.

  • Refresh:刷新视图.


  • 发送带有新消息的摘要:这是默认设置. You will only receive a Digest when you have new messages in the Quarantine.

  • 即使没有新邮件也发送摘要:无论隔离区中是否有新邮件,此选项都会向您发送摘要. If there are no new messages, you will receive an empty Digest.

  • Preferred Language: you can select a language from the drop-down list. 这是显示在您的摘要和管理我的帐户浏览器窗口中的语言.

  • 您想要哪种类型的垃圾邮件检测?:您可以从列出的选项中选择垃圾邮件策略. The policies determine how you want your email filtered for spam.

What's with the "[EXTERNAL]" appearing in the subject line of emails in my inbox?

这样做是为了让用户知道一封电子邮件是从我们的电子邮件域之外的来源发送的. 例如,如果有人发送恶意电子邮件,假装是来自太阳城娱乐的人, it will indicate that the email came from an external source.


列表选项显示安全发件人列表和阻止发件人列表视图,您可以在其中管理安全发件人和阻止发件人的个人列表. This feature is available to you if want to create your own personal lists.



  • New - provides a text field so you can add an email address or domain to your list.

  • Edit - lets you make changes to an address already on your list. You need to first select (click the check box) for the address you want to change.

  • 删除-从列表中删除所选地址.

  • 全选-选择列表中的所有地址.

  • Unselect All -un-selects all of the selected addresses on the list.

  • 请求摘要-向您发送更新的摘要.

  • 刷新-刷新视图.

安全寄件人名单: Email sent from addresses or domains on the 安全寄件人名单 will not be filtered for spam, 但会被过滤病毒.

阻止发送者列表:从阻止发件人列表上的地址或域发送的电子邮件将被自动丢弃,以便您不会收到来自他们的未来电子邮件. 注意:如果垃圾邮件确实通过你的收件箱, 你不应该将该电子邮件地址添加到“阻止发件人列表”中,因为垃圾邮件发送者很少使用相同的电子邮件地址两次.

太阳城娱乐 | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511
